Scholarship Information
Please click the appropriate link to complete an online scholarship application form. High School Applications are for graduating high school students only. College Applications are for currently enrolled college students. Remember, you can paste essay answers from a word processor program directly into the essay answer boxes. Don't forget to click Submit, after you've reviewed the application for completeness! You will receive a confirmation email, once the application is submitted.
must be a member of FUMC Wilson or it's affiliates
2.5 cumulative GPA
must submit a recent photo--professional pic not necessary/selfie is permissible
must submit a current transcript--copy is fine, official not required
Submission deadline is: TBD
If you have any questions about the application process or need assistance answering questions, please contact Jo Shackelford at 252-237-6121 or joshackelford@fumcwilson.org.
If you have technical questions about the online application, please contact fumcwilson@fumcwilson.org.