Where do you fit in?
First UMC isn't a building, it's a people. It's YOU. Our church is able to be the hands and feet of Jesus because of you! So much happens within and outside of our church walls each week to keep the building clean, the services running smoothly and with beautiful music, the children's and youth ministries running, Bible studies available, fellowship opportunities, prayer meetings, and more!
Listed below are the volunteer opportunities available within our church. We invite you to prayerfully read over the list and consider where God is leading you to serve. Please complete the Time & Talents form to get plugged in or contact Shelley Gibson with questions ! shelleygibson@fumcwilson.org

Pray for Our Church
Spend time each week praying for our church leaders, staff, congregation and visitors.
Chancel Committee Member
Help gather discarded bulletins from the Sanctuary and Asbury Hall after services and prepare the rooms for the upcoming service by ensuring the correct linens are on the altar.
Usher on Sunday
Help visitors find seats, and collect offering. Usually serve one month at a time.
Usher for Special Services
Greet attendees and help visitors find seats. Will be called as needed.
Audio/Video System Operator on Sunday Morning
Operate the soundboard or streaming equipment during the 9:00 or 11:00 service (whichever you prefer.)
Audio/Video System Operator for Special Events
Operate the soundboard or streaming equipment during special services (funerals, weddings, concerts, etc.)
Wedding Director
Guide brides in planning their wedding in accordance with First UMC Wedding guidelines.
Greeter for Sunday Morning Worship
For the 9 am service, arrive in time to to prepare coffee and doughnuts and then greet attendees as they arrive.
For the 11 am service, arrive prior to service to hand out bulletins and greet attendees.
Scripture Reader at 9:00 am
Read the first scripture lesson during the 9:00 service
Scripture Reader at 11:00 am
Read the first scripture lesson during the 11:00 service
Stand with individual being baptized as a church representative to support the newly baptized.
During the 11:00 am service, acolytes carry the light of Christ down the aisle behind the crucifer, who carries the cross, as the service starts and lights the candles at the altar. They are the first to leave at the end of the service as they carry the light of Christ into the world.
Sunday Mornings
Serve as a volunteer caretaker with infants and toddlers.
Other Church Services
Serve as a volunteer caretaker for children on Wednesday evenings or during special services/events
Christian Education
Children's Sunday School
Teach a children’s class or help a teacher
Youth Sunday School
Teach a youth class or help a teacher
Adult Sunday School
Teach an adult class or lead a study
Bible Study Leader
Lead a Bible Study on Sundays or Wednesdays
Vacation Bible School
There are a wide variety of opportunities to volunteer during our week of VBS, including group leader, snack leader, music leader, recreation leader, and bible study leader.
Children's Church
Lead Children’s Worship or help with Children’s Worship on Sunday mornings or for special services.
Green Street Kids
Teach a lesson, lead a craft/game, or serve as an assistant on Wednesday evenings.
Children's Council Member
This group typically meets once a month to plan and organize children’s activities throughout the year
Small Group Leader
Show up on most Sunday evenings and participate in retreats. Lead small group discussions and Bible studies and support the students on a weekly basis!
Youth Mission Team
Volunteer on our summer mission trip and mission events that we participate in throughout the year
Food Committee
Prepare a meal for the youth group on Sunday evenings
Event Chaperones
Show up at our largest youth events and on some youth retreats
Be willing to haul students and/or luggage to youth retreats or to small group events
Youth Council Member
This council meets 3-4 times a year, they assist in planning and volunteer at our largest youth events.
Committee Member
The Stewardship Committee encourages members and friends to invest their time, talents and financial resources in the ministry of our congregation through an annual campaign every fall.
Visit Newcomers
Make brief home visits to guests to our church and newcomers to our community.
Children's Choir
Help lead or assist in leadership in our 4 year old to 5th grade children’s choir.
Chancel Choir Member
Serve as a member of our chancel choir which meets each Wednesday for rehearsals, and sings for each 11:00 worship service throughout the year.
Handbell Choir Member
Serve as a member of our handbell choir which rings one or more Sundays each month of the year, and rehearses each Wednesday evening.
Sing or play an instrument in which you are proficient, either as a soloist or as a member of an ensemble for one of our worship services.
Praise Band Member
Serve as a member of our Praise Band during the 9:00 worship service, which meets for practice on Sunday mornings before worship.
Finance Committee
Committee Member
The Finance Committee prepares the annual ministry budget of the church and tracks expenditures throughout the year, using best stewardship practices.
Special Projects
This group coordinates special fundraising projects that may be needed throughout the year.
Church Fellowship
Kitchen Committee Member
Help perform a major clean and re-organize the kitchen twice a year.
Member of United Men's Fellowship
Meet once a month for breakfast and devotional time
Wednesday Night Supper
Serve as a member on this committee to help organize and facilitate Wednesday Night Suppers during the school year.
Special Events Committee
Serve as a member on this committee to help plan special events throughout the year, such as fall fellowship, Christmas dinner, Spring fellowship gatherings, and more.
Building & Grounds
Work Day Volunteer
Help around the church building and grounds when needed.
Volunteer to help with general landscaping projects around the church.
General Repair Work
Volunteer to help with minor repair work needed around the church.
Missions & Outreach
Flower Ministry
Break down flower arrangements used for Sunday worship, weddings, or funerals into smaller arrangements and deliver them to shut-ins or to members who need a little cheering up.
Volunteers in Mission
This team works locally and globally with projects large and small such as, but not limited to building or repairing homes and churches, delivering non-perishable food to areas damaged by hurricanes, fundraising through their annual barbecue sale to support their projects and to assist with various needs within the church in general. VIM is currently partnering with the Local Missions Work Team With their upcoming projects.
First Methodist Women
A Christian women’s fellowship that develops the desire to help local (CHEW, Hope Station, Pregnancy Center, Soup Kitchen), national, and international missions meet financial needs through their annual fundraisers (Pecan sale and Peace Lights project). Their reading program focuses on social concerns, spiritual needs, and Christian relationships. The women’s circles meet monthly and often have guest speakers, communicate regularly with shut ins, and have partnered with neighborhood schools to support their staff with supplies and volunteers.
Learn more here.
Soup Kitchen
Volunteer at our local Soup Kitchen to help serve meals to those in our community who are hungry and who have no other way to get a meal.
Congregational Care
Provide a meal for bereaved families; serve Holy Communion to hospitalized, shut-in, or homebound members; make visits to church members who are shut-in either at home or in nursing facilities; visit the bereaved.
Office Volunteer
Help prepare large church mailings for the post office or fill in to answer the phone when the main secretary is out of the office.
Hope Station
Volunteer as a liaison between the church and the Hope Station.
Flynn Home
Volunteer as a liaison between the church and the Flynn Home.
Blessing Box
Volunteer for one week at a time to check on the Blessing Box once or twice a week to ensure it remains well-stocked. Families/groups may purchase their own food or select from the already donate food stored in the church pantry.
Wesley Shelter
Volunteer as a liaison between the church and the Wesley Shelter.