Nerf Battle and Pizza Party! FUMC Kids is hosting a Nerf battle at GSK on Sunday, September 22 from 5 - 7 p.m.! Nerf guns and darts are provided!
Be sure to stay after 9am worship or come early before 11am worship to participate in our Sunday School celebration at 10am. All classes will meet in Asbury Hall for a brief meeting to learn about the great discipleship opportunities in our church before going to their classes! This is a fantastic opportunity if you've never been to a Sunday School class to see how each one works! See you there!
Green Street Kids and Children's Church is beginning this Sunday and will continue through Memorial Day! Children's church will happen during the 9 and 11 a.m. services and Green Street Kids will be on Sunday evenings from 5 - 7 p.m. Receive a copy of this years’ children's calendar from the church office. If you are interested in volunteering, email​​
Pecans are back!
​It's that time of year! The First Methodist Women are selling pecans again. You can contact any FMW member to order or stop by the church office to grab an extra order form. These pecans are yummy and freeze well to use for the entire year. If you haven't tried the chocolate covered ones... You're missing out! They make great last minute Christmas gifts along with the Caramel clusters, so be sure to order a couple extras of those!​​
All youth (rising 6th - 12th graders) are invited are to join us for our annual Fall retreat at Camp Don Lee! This is the BEST time to get to know your fellow youth group members and escape from beginning of the school year stress to check in with God and grow your faith and friendships. We encourage everyone to attend! The cost is $80 for the weekend, but scholarships are available! No one should not come for financial reasons. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Tiler (
Deadline to sign up is August 31, but don't delay, registration is filling quickly!
Our Blessing Box Pantry is running very low!
Please consider picking up some extra items to donate to the Blessing Box. Items can be placed directly in the box or dropped off in the blue bins in the Atrium.
More information and a list of popular items can be found here.